General Information

The Cammino del Deserto covers around 90 km, plus 45 km for those who wish to reach the sea at Finale Ligure: 135 km in all for eight days of walking.

The stages are also eight, averaging between 16 and 17 km, so they are easily within the reach of most people, although it is recommended to start with a minimum of training.
The best period is from early spring to late autumn. Avoid winter as the route may have snowy or icy conditions.

Here are the details of stages and kilometers:

  1. Castagnole delle Lanze – Santo Stefano Belbo (15,7 Km)
  2. Santo Stefano Belbo – Castino (13,2 Km)
  3. Castino – Bergolo (13,5 Km)
  4. Bergolo – Gottasecca (16,6 Km)
  5. Gottasecca – Millesimo (20,4 Km)
  6. Millesimo – Santuario del Deserto – Murialdo (6+7 Km)
  7. Murialdo – Bormida (18 Km)
  8. Bormida – Finale Ligure (22,5 Km)

The route is practicable through the gps tracks that the author sends FOR FREE to those who request them from the “Contacts” section, and consists of an interconnected system of already existing trails that partially include large sections of the Gran Traversata delle Langhe in Piedmont (Gtl) and the Via dei Feudi Carretteschi in Liguria (see photos below).

The asphalt surface was intentionally kept to a minimum in order to make the route as pleasant as possible from a naturalistic point of view.

It is also recommended to always carry with you the traditional paper maps (and especially to know how to consult them) in case the technology gives you any problems (you never know).
Please note that the traditional paper maps are only of supplementary value and are indicated in the technical sheet of each stage described in this site (see for now the Italian section).

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is advisable to plan your trip by contacting all accommodations and book them in advance before your departure (see the Italian section).

For all other aspects of the route, please refer to the description of the individual stages (see the Italian section), considering that the author relies above all on the GOOD SENSE of the pilgrims.